Confusion / Decisions

I wanted to make a small series of images with the theme of showing the confusion in life and all the decisions that have to be made. I came up with these photographs, which have a similar composition.

multiple exposure of a chandelier

© Howard Grill


The image above is an ICM (intentional camera movement with a shutter speed of 1/4 second) of a chandelier with the camera moved in a square motion during the exposure. The image was then duplicated onto another layer in Photoshop, transformed, and blended into the first layer. I thought it gave a feeling of living in heavily populated apartment buildings, where apartments are stacked one upon the other, as well as that of the confusion that can be associated with everyday living.


© Howard Grill


The image above is a multiple exposure of a large pyramidal sculpture made of cement blocks. I ignored the fact that it was a sculpture and just focused on making a multiple exposure of the cement blocks. I call it ‘Decison Tree’ because to me it looked like a decision tree chart.


© Howard Grill


Finally, this third image was made from the same sculpture as the second (though the image itself is different), but with a different type of post-processing,

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