Wildflower Season

Here in Western Pennsylvania, the wildflower season started about a week ago. On my first trip out, I photographed trout lilies. These flowers are amazing to watch, as when the sunlight hits them they curl back their petals and open up over a short period of time. You can see differences in their appearance over as short a period as 15 minutes or so once they are kissed by the sun. This particular photo was taken early, before the flower opened and when it was still in the shade. However, even when opened up, they still continue to point downward.


Trout Lily © Howard Grill


The leaves of the flower are also showy, being a dark green with silvery splotches. They allow you to easily identify the plant on the forest floor, both before blooming and after the flowers are spent.

ALSO….a Lightroom follow-up! The bug that I complained about here has been fixed in the new Lightroom 12.3 that was released in the last few days. All is now working. But I’m still getting that new computer :)

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