Move Around

So I have this bad habit. I’ve had it for years. When I am out photographing, I tend to focus on one little area I find and explore it in depth. But I tend to lose sight of the other photographic opportunities that exist in the area because I keep concentrating on the same thing. I’m not saying that concentrating on photographing one thing in depth is bad; on the contrary, it is a good way to make personally expressive photographs. But like most things, there needs to be a balance and sometimes (meaning almost every time) I tend to lose that balance.

So I am thankful that when we were out photographing an abandoned car on a recent trip to the Columbia River Gorge, my friend Alex grabbed me and practically forced me to photograph these beautiful lupines that he had found just a handful of yards away from the car I was photographing.

Note to self: explore a bit more, move around a bit more, open your mind to all that there is to photograph at a location.


Lupines © Howard Grill

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