Bridal Veil Falls

Lately, I have been doing a bit of looking back at images I have in Lightroom that I haven’t processed over the years. Let’s just say that I have many, many more unprocessed images than processed ones. Of course, there is a reason that some of the photos remain unprocessed, but the truth is that there is a lot in my Lightroom catalog that is worth processing but I just never got around to doing so. If I decided to stop photographing today (which is by no means the plan, as I hope to be doing that to the bitter end) I would still have enough material to work with for years.

This photo is one that I took back in October of 2009 of Bridal Veil Falls in Ohio’s Cuyahoga National Park, which also happens to be the nation’s smallest national park. It is located just a couple hours from me, so I think it’s a place that I should return to. In this instance I was drawn to the reflections of the fall colors in the water below the actual falls.

Like me, do you have material that you have never worked on but that is worth revisiting?

Bridal Veil Falls    © Howard Grill

Bridal Veil Falls © Howard Grill

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