Fix Distracting Highlights
The photograph featured in my last blog post wasn’t how the image came out of the camera. In the original photo, there were distracting areas of bright sky filtering through the trees at the top of the frame. The eye tends to go to bright areas in a photo and, in this case, that would pull the viewer’s eye up, out of the frame and away from the subject of the image, which is the two red trees.
The first response to removing highlights like this might be to get out the clone stamp and just clone over them. But plain old cloning can give a very unnatural result. The answer is cloning into a selection. As I was doing that, I thought that a video demonstrating this easy technique that gives very clean and natural looking result would be easier than trying to explain it in writing.
If you subscribe to these posts by email, the video won’t come along for the ride, but you can watch it here: If you find videos like this useful, I would certainly appreciate your subscribing to the channel.
So here you go: