Frames Magazine

Today’s video is about a new addition to the photography community, and I think it’s going to be a very valuable one……Frames Magazine. But Frames is much more than just a magazine. As the video explains, it is a print magazine (and it’s going to be beautifully printed), a digital magazine, master classes, and has a social media presence including a YouTube channel, Facebook group, and subscriber forums. Plus, the first print issue features one of my favorite photographers, Michael Kenna.

The editor of Frames was introduced to and enjoyed my ‘3 Minute Photo Thought’ videos and enticed me into moving them to an every Friday feature on the Frames YouTube channel, which I hope will help my channel grow and allow my videos to have a wider audience on his channel. The first episode went up last Friday, the 18th, and will continue there each Friday. The remainder of my photography based video content will remain on my channel, just ‘Photo Thoughts’ is moving. If you haven’t subscribed to my YouTube channel, I invite you to do so and it would be very much appreciated!

Here are links to the Frames YouTube channel and information regarding subscribing:

Frames YouTube channel:

Find out more about Frames and consider subscribing:

(Full Disclosure: the Frames subscription link is an affiliate link that does not in any way change the price for you, but it does buy me a cup of coffee :)

As is usual, if you subscribe to this blog by email, the video will not come along for the ride, but you can watch it here on YouTube:

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