Three Minute Photo Thoughts

As most readers of this blog probably know, I recently started a YouTube channel and have been enjoying making a weekly video that tends to run about ten minutes long on various photographic topics. But it struck me that there are lots of smaller and more informal things to talk about from a photographic standpoint. Topics that one could talk about in just a couple minutes and could serve as interesting little ‘snippets’……sort of conversation starters. The idea kept sticking with me so I thought I would give it a try and see if it’s something that people enjoy and if, in fact, it does start any conversations.

So with that, I give you the first installment of “Three Minute Photo Thoughts”. I would appreciate your letting me know how you like it and, if the ‘snippet of topic’ interests you, perhaps you might like to start a little conversation in the comments section of the video. If it is something that people enjoy there could be an installment weekly……we shall see, but I would appreciate your giving me some feedback and letting me know what you think.

As is always the case, if you subscribe to the blog by email the video won’t come along, but you can view it by going directly to the blog or on YouTube by using this link:

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