Adobe Capture - Looks and LUTs

Adobe Capture is a free app for both iPhone and Android that has the power to let you do all sorts of creative things on the go and at any time. With it you can make Photoshop brushes, patterns and, among other things, ‘looks’, which is another term for color look up tables (also known as LUTs) that can be applied in Photoshop. This is a really neat ability and I thought I would make a video that talks all about what LUTs are and how to use them, the power of color look up table adjustment layers (you really need to give these a try!), and how you can very easily and with no fuss, no coding, no nothing…..make your own ‘Looks’ using Adobe Capture that are easily imported into Photoshop.

As I read the above, the whole thing sounds complicated, but it really isn’t at all. And it can be quite a bit of fun to see what you come up with. So here we go:

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