
True story. One morning in Oregon I woke up early to go photograph. I was planning to drive out to one of the prettier locations along the coast but before I hopped into my car, which was parked right outside my motel room, I decided to run into the motel lobby and grab a banana (free breakfast) to take with me. And as I was rushing to the motel lobby (it was getting a little late for good morning light- it’s sometimes hard to get up early enough) I looked across the street. I mean literally across the street….and couldn’t believe what I saw. Beautiful blue light over the Coos River.

So I grabbed my banana and went back to my room to get my photo gear figuring that instead of arriving late somewhere else I should just walk right across the street to get a closer look. First thing to go through my mind after I got to the bank of the river was ‘OK, I’m going to spend some time right here’. This is the first of what I saw and photographed. And, as the light changed, the sunrise was beautiful over the distant jetties. Plus, as if on schedule, a tugboat even went by. I will be posting more photos from across the street from my motel……let’s just make believe that I had to travel miles and climb mountains to get them :)

Moral for me: look all around and don’t discount or prejudge any location…..go where the light is, as the right light can make the mundane look good.
