The Bayernhof Museum

I decided to try something totally different.  I was invited to join a "Meet Up" photography group that had arranged for a photo tour of a museum (more about that in a moment).  Joining a group of 'strangers' and trying to photograph while on a guided tour are both things that are a bit out of my comfort zone.  Usually my style is very contemplative with the camera on a tripod and it can take me quite some time to set up a shot the way I want to and finally release the shutter.  This was going to be a 'keep up with the tour guide, no tripods, hand held at high ISO, quick frame and shoot session'.  But I decided it would be a good idea to give it a whirl.

Well, it was all good! A really nice bunch of folks and, though I wouldn't want to shoot in this rapid fire style all the time, I definitely think it was good to do something different.  In fact, I enjoyed it quite a bit!  I never had the camera on ISO 1600 before.  Who knew it even went up that high (only kidding)!

Organ Keyboard    © Howard Grill

The tour was of the Bayernhof Museum......a museum so obscure that I hadn't heard of it before despite it being only a 25 minute car ride away from my home. The museum is actually the mansion in which Mr. Charles Brown III, CEO of Gas-Lite Manufacturing, had lived.  Mr Brown was quite the eccentric (as evidenced not only by his odd habits and practical jokes, but also by the $33,000 that was found in a secret drawer in his armoire after his death). Yes, this is a house that actually has bookcases that are secret trap doors that lead into escape staircases.

Tapestry    © Howard Grill

Mr. Brown had developed a passion for collecting and restoring antique music boxes, carnival music machines, old Victrolas, and similar memorabilia. He filled the rooms of his mansion with a myriad of very unusual and eclectic music machines, figurines, and other paraphernalia so, needless to say, the tour was an interesting one even without the photography.  And the tour guide was a gem, able to tell all sorts of interesting stories about Mr. Brown and the mansion.


© Howard Grill

Figurine    © Howard Grill


So, all in all, it was a good bit of fun.  I will definitely plan to go on other outings like this and with this group again!

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