Two More Magazines

Ages ago, I wrote a post about what I thought were photography magazines that were worth subscribing to.  At the end of that post I said that I would add to the list if I came across others that I thought were really worthwhile.  In the last few weeks I have run across two more that I can also recommend.  Interestingly, these two magazines could not be more different. Adore Noir is an e-magazine, meaning that there is no hard copy version available. It is a fine art, black and white photography magazine whose mission is "To provide a stage for photo artists around the world to showcase their work. To gather information from prominent figures in the art world. To provide inspiration to both collectors and photographers."  They publish black and white portfolios, interviews with photographers etc.  Samples are available for download and they are currently running a special whereby all 5 of their 2011 issues can be downloaded for only $9.95.  Definitely worthwhile and a source of ideas and inspiration.

c't Digital Photography is a hard copy magazine  (with an ipad app) that is published in Germany.  The focus here is on in-depth articles related to techniques, equipment and software.  It is quite worthwhile, as the articles are in-depth and tend towards the intermediate to advanced imager.

I haven't seen much in the way of new and worthwhile magazines since I wrote the original post, but these two newcomers are definitely woth a look!