Photo Life

It seems to me that there is a relative dearth of top quality photographic magazines available, at least in the US. Sure, there are plenty of magazines around for the following:

relative beginners (I’m not saying these aren’t important),
reading about digital/Photoshop techniques,
that serve as a forum for the presentation of advertisements,
rehashing the same type of articles year in and out.

However, there aren’t many that deal with the more creative, artistic side of photography. At least that is my opinion.

I have already mentioned LensWork, which, again, in my opinion, is the single magazine I would subscribe to if I were limited to just one. In a prior post, I had mentioned that I recently subscribed to CameraArts. Thus far I have only received one issue, but I did enjoy it and have high hopes for future issues as well.

There are two other magazines that I enjoy and strike me as worthwhile, and I though that I would mention one of them.

PhotoLife is a Canadian photography magazine that I subscribe to. Though there are occasional technique and equipment review articles, they tend to be brief and to the point. The remaining articles and portfolios I find to be very worthwhile. The magazine’s focus is rather broad and can range from ‘traditional’ subjects such as landscape photography to more contemporary photographic topics. It really provides a nice overview of what is going on in many different photographic ‘realms’ at the current time.

It is a magazine that I enjoy getting; the details and more information can be found here.

I also thought it might be interesting to ask if anyone else could recommend magazines (from any country) that they have found worthwhile……a link to the magazine site would also be great if you have one. It might enable myself and anyone reading here to find out about magazines that we don’t know about and might enjoy looking into!

I guess if I am asking others to make recommendations I will also have to throw into the list the second magazine of the two I mentioned above. Its scope is much more limited than the others and focused solely on nature and wildlife photography. The website for Nature's Best can be found here. Definitely worthwhile if you enjoy nature photography.