White Trillium
Trillium grandiflorum
Wild Geranium
Geranium maculatum
After The Rain
Geranium maculatum
Blazing Stars
Liatris spicata
The Blazing Star, or Liatris spicata, is a prairie flower and, as such, grows mainly in the Midwest. But it does grow in one Western Pennsylvania location.
Millions of years ago a prairie was cut near Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania, by a receeding glacier. That location is now called Jennings Environmental Center and in late July and early August each year the Blazing Stars can be found in full bloom. I visit Jennings to photograph the flowers each year. There are a multitude of Blazing Stars and they are mixed in with many other prairie flowers, so the challenge is to find a way to isolate them from each other and from the morass of background plants.
As can be seen in the photograph, the plant blooms from one end to the other and there are never fresh open blooms along the entire stalk at once.
Pink Dogwood
Cornus florida species
I found these beautiful pink dogwood blossoms right along the roadside in Ohio's Cuyahoga National Park. I pre-visualized a photograph of a grouping of three flowers with only one of them in sharp focus. It took a good deal of time to find an appropriate grouping where three flowers were unobstructed and at the appropriate distances apart so that only one would be rendered sharply.
Orange Mum
Chrysanthemum species
Pink Dreams
An abstract close-up view of the flowing pink petals of a cyclamen.
Pink Cyclamen
Cyclamen species
Tulips I
Tulipa species
Pink Lotus
Lotus species.
Purple Hyacinth
Muscari species
What is commonly known as the grape hyacinth is actually not a hyacinth at all. It is a member of the genus Muscari.
Unfurling Leaf
Zantedeschia aethiopica
Native to Africa, the Canna Lily is in reality neither a lily nor a Canna species plant. Years after the name was given, it became apparent to botanists that its relationship to Canna was more distant than initially thought. However, its common name stuck and has never changed.
Though the flower of the Canna Lily is certainly beautiful, here I was drawn to the pattern and graceful shape of its unfurling leaf. One of the challenges as a photographer is to work through the obvious (yes, I also took a photo of the flower), but not to simply stop there. Once the obvious has been dealt with, I try to spend time exploring my subject more deeply.
Yellow Sunflower
Helianthus species
Yellow Gerbera
Gerbera species
Yellow Sunflower II
Helianthus species
Yellow and Green
Helianthus species
About Face
Gerebera species
Flaming Tulip
Tulipa species
Backlighting provides one of the most dramatic types of light, particularly when it streams through a translucent object. When I saw this tulip being backlit by the sun, I decided to put the point of focus on the area where the stem turns into flower and let the rest of the bloom simply explode into a blur of yellow flames.
Coneflower Opening
Echinacea purpurea
Purple Tulip
Tulipa species
For me, the leaves in this photograph seem to play as important a role as the flower itself.
Reaching For The Sky
Gerbera species
Tulipa species
Why the title "Windows" for this image? To me, the shadow of the flowers pistil looked like the shadow of a person seen through a translucent white window shade. It felt like a voyeuristic look into someone's 'private space'.
Backlit Leaf
Colocasia Species
The Elephant Ear Plant is native to Southeast Asia and Polynesia. The leaves are large and attractive. However, they really come into their own when backlit. Here, I was attracted to the abstract shapes that were visible in the leaf and the supporting veins when the light passed through it in just the right way.
Scalloped Laceleaf I
Anthurium crenatum
Beauty in a single leaf. This image is from a project I did making a series of photographs from just a single leaf. I include two from the series here.
Scalloped Laceleaf II
Anthurium crenatum
Beauty in a single leaf. This image is from a project I did making a series of photographs from just a single leaf. I include two from the series here.
Heliamphora heterodoxa
This beautiful ‘pitcher plant’ is carnivorous. It’s beautiful, but if you are an insect you definitely don’t want to look too closely.
Sun Ball
Craspedia globosa
Chocolate Plant
Pseuderanthemum alatum
Yellow Foxtail
Setaria glauca
Red Trillium
Trillium erectum
Translucent Daisies
I wanted to bring out the delicate structure of these daisies by giving them a translucent, or even slightly surreal, appearance.
St. John 's Wort
Hypericum perforatum
This image is one from my ‘experimental series’ where I combine 25-35 photos, all taken of the same subject but from slightly different angles, into one final image. This photograph is actually of one single flower.
Pink Gerberas
This image is one from my ‘experimental series’ where I combine 25-35 photos, all taken of the same subject but from slightly different angles, into one final image.
Pink Gerberas II
This image is one from my ‘experimental series’ where I combine 25-35 photos, all taken of the same subject but from slightly different angles, into one final image. This photograph is actually of just three flowers.
White And Blue
This image is one from my ‘experimental series’ where I combine 25-35 photos, all taken of the same subject but from slightly different angles, into one final image.
Purple Frenzy
This image is one from my ‘experimental series’ where I combine 25-35 photos, all taken of the same subject but from slightly different angles, into one final image.
Sunflower Swirls
This image is one from my ‘experimental series’ where I combine 25-35 photos, all taken of the same subject but from slightly different angles, into one final image.
White Daisies
This image is one from my ‘experimental series’ where I combine 25-35 photos, all taken of the same subject but from slightly different angles, into one final image.
Peruvian Lilies
This image is one from my ‘experimental series’ where I combine 25-35 photos, all taken of the same subject but from slightly different angles, into one final image.
Pink Swirls
This multiple-exposure photograph was chosen by the PhotoPlace Gallery in Vermont to be exhibited as part of their show entitled Botanicals.
Sunflower II
Helianthus species.
Canterbury Bells
Campanula medium, commonly known as Canterbury Bells.
Orange Tulip
Tulipa species
Sunflower Abstract
This abstract appearing image of a sunflower field was made by zooming the lens of the camera while the shutter was open. It was meant to transmit the feeling of being surrounded by these beautiful flowers
Wild Iris
There were hundreds of these wild irises growing in a pond. I tried to express what it felt like being there surrounded by them.