Out Of Camera Multiple Exposures
In prior posts, I spoke about making multiple exposures in-camera and then working with them in Photoshop. But not everyone’s camera is able to make in-camera multiple exposures. In addition, it is quite possible that you didn’t think of making an in-camera multiple exposure at the time you were out photographing.
No problem! By combining images in Photoshop, multiple exposure images can be made (or at least emulated) out of camera as well. In fact, the “multiple exposures” you construct need not even be made from multiple images. You can make very interesting “multiple exposures” from just a single image. For example, take this photo I took of stairs leading up to the art gallery in Pittsburgh’s Carnegie Museum.
Photo of the stairs at the Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh
© Howard Grill
From just the one image, I have put together these three interesting (at least I think so :) “multiple exposures” in Photoshop.
© Howard Grill
© Howard Grill
© Howard Grill
So, even if you are unable to make in-camera multiple exposures, there are still many creative multiple exposure images that can be made out of the camera. It’s a great way to let your creativity run wild!