3D LUT Creator

3D LUT Creator is probably the most powerful and sophisticated software available for working with color. Blasphemous as it may sound, it's more powerful than Photoshop when it comes to color manipulation and adjustment. However, most still photographers haven't heard of it because it has mainly been used in the video world. Nonetheless, its power has been designed to be equally harnessed for still photography.

However, one problem that I think it has is that its documentation is, in my opinion, not particularly clear and there is precious little training available for the software. Over the last six months or so I have been taking a small class about it and experimenting with the software. I thought it might be interesting, if there were enough interest, to provide a series that will clearly teach and explain how this remarkable software can be used in conjunction with Photoshop to help achieve one's artistic vision in still photography (I have no affiliation at all with the software company).

My goal in this introductory video is to explain what a LUT is, to describe the various versions of the software that are available so that you might be able to better determine which one is right for you, and to take a brief tour through 3DLC itself. If you have an interest in the topic please drop a quick comment below the video, as I would consider expanding the series if people were interested.

As is always the case, if you subscribe to the blog the video doesn’t come along with the email. But you can watch it here: https://youtu.be/wm_LdHbK8Ac

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